Edraw.AI User Guides
Getting Started
Diagram from Scratch
Files Operation
Shapes Operation
Import Data to Make a Chart
Format and Style
Insert Object
View the Diagram
Mind Map from Scratch
Insert Objects
Topics Operation
Files Operations
View a Mind Map
Outline Mode
Theme and Style
Create with Templates
Create with AI
AI Image Tools
AI Diagram
AI File Analysis
- AI Chat
- AI Flowchart
- AI Mind Map
- AI Drawing
Project Management
Change Chart Type
Edraw.AI can help you change chart types easily. Instead of making different charts, you can click a button to switch between them. This lets you quickly see how each chart type looks with your data and choose the best one for your needs. Also, this way, you can focus on analyzing your data rather than spending time on chart design. Here's how to change the chart type in Edraw.AI:
Step ❶
Select the chart on the editing canvas, then select the Type icon from the floating toolbar.
Step ❷
Scroll down to see the chart type most suitable to your data visualization needs. For example, if you want to compare values across different categories, you might choose a column chart.

Step ❸
Select the chart type you prefer to apply to your data on the editing canvas. You can further customize the chart by adjusting settings like colors, labels, and axes using the available options.