Edraw.AI User Guides
Edraw.AI User Guides
Getting Started
Diagram from Scratch
Files Operation
Shapes Operation
Import Data to Make a Chart
Format and Style
Insert Object
View the Diagram
Mind Map from Scratch
Insert Objects
Topics Operation
Files Operations
View a Mind Map
Outline Mode
Theme and Style
Create with Templates
Create with AI
AI Image Tools
AI Diagram
AI File Analysis
- AI Chat
- AI Flowchart
- AI Mind Map
- AI Drawing
Project Management
Share Your Mind Map
Edraw.AI allows you to share your mind map projects or canvas with others, whether you�re collaborating on a team project or sharing ideas. You can invite people to view or edit your work with just a few clicks. Here�s how:
Step 1:
Open the project or canvas you want to share. Click the Share button in the upper-right corner of the interface.

Step 2:
In the pop-up window, you can set permissions for viewers. Choose if anyone can view, edit, or have no access. Copy the link and share it.

Step 3:
Enter the email addresses of the people you want to share with, then click Invite. Click View all collaborators to see who has access to your canvas.