Edraw.AI User Guides
Edraw.AI User Guides
Getting Started
Diagram from Scratch
Files Operation
Shapes Operation
Import Data to Make a Chart
Format and Style
Insert Object
View the Diagram
Mind Map from Scratch
Insert Objects
Topics Operation
Files Operations
View a Mind Map
Outline Mode
Theme and Style
Create with Templates
Create with AI
AI Image Tools
AI Diagram
AI File Analysis
- AI Chat
- AI Flowchart
- AI Mind Map
- AI Drawing
Project Management
Adjust the Background of a Diagram
With the Background tool in Edraw.AI, you can select from pre-designed templates, solid colors, and gradients or even upload custom images to create the perfect backdrop for your work. If you want to maintain a consistent brand image, set a specific mood, or make your content more visually engaging, follow the steps below:
Step ❶
Click the Page Settings icon on the right-hand panel.

Edraw ai right hand page settings
Step ❷
Go to Background (represented by a paint bucket icon).

Edraw ai background page editing
Step ❸
To select a color, you can choose a color from the color palette or use more advanced tools:

Edraw ai background colors
- Click “More Colors”. Using this tool, you can select a specific color through hex codes or a gradient color picker or manually adjust color data.

Edraw ai hex code color picker
- Eyedropper. The eyedropper allows you to select any specific color you see on your screen. Select the tool and click the color you want to get.

Edraw ai eyedrop color picker